School Lane, West Butterwick, North Lincolnshire, DN17 3LB

01724 783244

West Butterwick

Church of England Primary Academy


Welcome to st mary's church  - Message from the vicar


Welcome to St Mary's Church. We aim to be a welcoming, friendly and inclusive parish church serving the people of the North Lincolnshire village of West Butterwick and also the many visitors who come to our village. Our chief aims are to love God and one another through our worship together and through active service as Christian disciples within our community and the world, to 'know Jesus and make him known'.
Details of our services and other activities can be found on our webiste (link: St Mary the Virgin - A Church Near You )  and we look forward to welcoming you whether you come from round the corner or across the world to know of God's love and to share that with others.
St Mary's West Butterwick is a Victorian Church which was originally a chapel-of-ease of St Martin's Owston Ferry. It has a particularly fine East window which was restored in 2008 and is now fully visible for the first time in forty years. West Butterwick is on the west side of the Trent south of Scunthorpe. It stands next to the Church of England Primary school which has strong links with the church.
The Rector is The Revd Paul Wilson and if you would like to discuss a christening, wedding, funeral or some other matter, you can find his contact details on our church website. 
With every blessing.
The Revd Paul D. Wilson
Rector of the Epworth Benefice